Thursday, March 14, 2013

Take Your Loss to the Gym

There is nothing more difficult than the loss of someone, something or loss of self. Whether its a relationship, a job, a pet, self worth, dignity or the physical death of a person you love. It doesn't matter what the loss is; a loss is a loss and its painful. They all come in different forms of pain and grief. We all experience different emotions when we endure one of these life's many trials, but it's how we decide to push through that makes us stronger and keeps our "chin up" through the coming days.

I recently took a great loss. My Grandma, Gloria Baker, was someone in my life I was very close to. Not one of those average "oh I HAVE to go see my grandma" scenario's where most people; kids, teenagers and even adults, take for granted who they HAVE to go see.  It was a privilege for me to be able to pick up the phone and call her weekly. It was a privilege when I got the chance to see her on Holiday's or whenever I drove up from Vegas to visit my family and friends. See my Grandma wasn't a chore. She was a blessing and an amazing one at that. I could talk to her about absolutely anything I wanted; she never lied or misguided me. She was the Grandma I could always count on to make any situation lighter with her laughter, her humor, her ability to scream louder than a drill sergeant when the 49ers were losing a football game or even making a touchdown. She was the LIFE of the party at every family gathering. For me, it wasn't "I HAVE to" it was "I GET to". Something I believe and know that people take for granted. Are you getting the picture?

When we take a loss, as I said above; its not how we experience the pain, its how we make it through. I'm a health and fitness fanatic. Everyone knows that. So for me, there is nothing more satisfying to my daily routine than getting into the gym. No matter what I'm going through, I ALWAYS want to be there. And I'm not talking about your average hamster wheel spinner, your chronic cardio buff or whatever name you call it. I'm not interested in getting nowhere on a cardio machine. 

For me, its the iron I want. There is something to be said about that cold weight room when you walk in, emotion after emotion rolling through your body like an electrical current, waiting to be ignited. Its the feeling of being put in check when I step to those plates; knowing I will walk out of there a defeated happy mess. Defeated? Yep. I said: defeated. The iron ALWAYS wins. I can take any aggression out on it any time I want. I can push, press, pull, lift, curl and throw myself into the iron and no matter what, I still cannot defeat what just gets heavier and heavier with each exhausting repetition, each set that goes by; I am being defeated. The iron doesn't lie to me, it doesn't give into my problems, it doesn't care about my fears or sorrows. Its just there to release upon it the force of emotions I have inside when I'm ready. It doesn't move without me, but it always wins. 

Since before and after losing my Grandma- and many many others in between, this is my 2nd home. This is where I know I can SHUT UP AND LIFT! If I want to be left alone? Gym. If I wanna be aggressive? Gym. If I wanna beat the crap out of someone? Gym. If I took a loss? Gym. Whatever the reason may be, you can find me in the gym. I am there; giving it my ALL and fighting myself until I can't be fought anymore. I am there to leave every emotion on the ground and walk out defeated. There isn't a comfort food in the world that can leave you feeling defeated and happy at the same time.  If you have yet to experience what I'm talking about, GET YOUR ASS TO THE GYM. If you do it right, you'll walk out defeated; happy.



  1. Hello Ashley. I am now (fianally) getting an afternoon break to read you here. As I do...I am truly glad to see you working-it-out greatly. From within...(from the soul-of-matter...with all the wonderful power there is inside you. And there's so much strong-will inside of you...doing it the way 'You' have to do it. You_the "fanatic"...taking the winning another level!

    Your zeal and un-wavering will to stand-strong (fighting)against all the emotional-ills_of life's unfavorable-circumstances and loses, such as you and all of us inevitably will is pure Strength of your being. Being Amazing WOMAN! Mentally-Emotionally (Physically_of course)and Spiritually.

    As I read your words...I feel your heart-of-love...your emotions...over the "lost" of your "Grandma"'s earthly-presence, of the closeness you both shared in all the ways you mentioned; of her genuine charming-loving-nurturing-friendship. That's an Everlasting Great-Gift to our earthly lives. Mothers and most certainly their Mothers...are (often-times)our best/closest friends. It what makes the *GRAND-mothers!

    Your close-relationship with your Grandmother echoes the exact relational-sentiments of closeness and love my daughter has for my (Adoptive) mother, who passed away several years ago. As we who are forever blessed to "Have" "have" grown through this life-time to "have" the Gifted Relationship as this...we are they live on inside our hearts and memories forever. As we are forever Blessed to be their's in HEAVEN!

    Thank you for sharing your story...sending you much love and kudos to your awesome work...your

    Much Agape-Love Blessings, ♥ ƸӜƷ ♥

  2. I can't say enough to this aside from how very very touched and blessed I feel from your words Vannessa!!! You're just so amazing and I know that God has placed you in my life to lift up and encourage me <3 She is resting with God for sure and I am at extreme peace knowing our God Almighty has her in His Kingdom. Everlasting life and love we cannot imagine until we go home again. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!! Many many Thanks and so much love from me to you!!!!!!! Seriously my friend, YOU ARE PRICELESS!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  3. Hello Ashley...It is as you say..."God has placed" us here in the right-time and God Wills. I am always giving God much Thanks and Praise for all...such as this special time... of our coming into knowing one-another in the capacity as God's Wills. As I said earlier, on the previous FB post-comments; I am joyfully looking forward to sharing more of the Goodness. I am Loving where God Is Leading me. My heart is Glad! Getting acquainted and communing with you is a Joy! I'm not really the most "social-butterfly" of today's "social media" networks, etc., But I do enjoy meeting..."like" and come to love the special-persons God brings into my knowledge-encounter and life-experience. I say to my meeting you...Yes Lord! On-going...Thank you

    (Ashley...I am a very detailed-oriented person by nature of my a very Spiritually-Indepth person by Love. Those two attributes makes me an elaborate expression of my a Writer. I write from my Spirit...more so than from my mind. So, some-times, I have to actually curb my long-lengthy writing. You maynot be (I say this as a matter of respect) readily desiring to read a lot...all that I would write ...given my freedom of Spirit! So, honestly...I've got some well-doing reserved words...that I will our conversing together goes on. (Smiling about that for sure :) !! I want to Be and Do all God has Purposed...

    I truly believe, God's Perfection of our Life-Journey is always at work....when we Give of ourselves (whole-ly)... Giving our best to That Which Is (God's) Best for us. That's the Best we can ever do, or ever have. So...I like to think that everything that happens within us and out of us...after we are totally Into God's Purpose and Plan...(without need of certainty...without questions about why God is doing what God Does)...Is where, when and how we come to behold how truly Awesome and Unspeakable (many times)...How Amazing God Does Things! (Jeremiah 29:11) !!

    So, I am just grateful to be in God's have met this time and place of our meeting on Facebook. We know that God Does and Works All Things to the Good of those who Love God...who are called According to God's Purpose. I Rejoice in each and every day of what God Has/Is...and Wills for Called In The Spirit of Love. All Is the Manifestation of God's Amazing Grace and Love. You are wonderful...encouraging...Inspiring and Gifted, giving your best in what you love to give...and that makes you very much a Special Gift to all who know and receive from you. I love all that I have come to know of your work and of your good-hearted-intentions to support, to advise and to inspire others to Good-Health and Fitness; and Nutritional Education for well-being. I love what you do and how you do it. Simply...doing and being *you. As my previous statement; Yes, I'm loving your all...all that "Gym-Wonderfulness"!

    We know that we are here to 'Be' the Greatest of ourselves. To 'Receive the Greatest' we are Living in The Purpose and Plan of 'The Greatest Love'. How Awesomely Sweet and Amazing (a) Life!! Created in The Image of Love...we are the *Love* of Life! Being who we are called/created to 'Be' as Love. Now that's Living my friend!! Why I say; I love this Life I'm the Light of Love! Being Love---Endlessly ♥ ƸӜƷ ♥

    Ok...the "Write-On-Spirit" in me is just about to go on Up... at this late hour! So, I'll save so much more... to be shared in the righteousness of time. This is my pleasure to look forward to share what's to come!

    Thank you Ashley, as I love you as much. Always wishing you the best. Have a great, safe...beautiful weekend in Redding!! (Glad to see you happy being back at's beautiful. :)

    Much Agape-Love Blessings to you, ♥ ƸӜƷ ♥
