Sunday, July 25, 2010

Your Ripple Effect

This world we live in is full of many different things. People, opinions, styles, creations, surroundings, influence, education, language, religion, flavor.........the list goes on. Its never ending and no matter how many years pass, we will encounter a lot of the same things. If we don't change our atmosphere from time to time, we don't learn too much, we are secluded from possibilities & we don't venture out of our comfort zones to find something excitingly new. A lot of people become accustomed to what they already know & stay there. I am not one of those people. I like adventure and spurt of the moment. Not knowing the outcome of something keeps me interested. If I were to know the outcome of everything I was about to do, it wouldn't be fun, my imagination wouldn't be creative & I would be a boring person. Who wants that? 

I'm the type of person who loves new things. I go places some people won't dare go & I try things people judge by hearsay or by the looks of it. I'm a risk taker. I never know what I personally feel about something unless I try it for myself. It creates inside of me a place no one can come in & destroy or take away from me. I also put myself in situations that I may be uncomfortable in to make myself stronger.  I learned how to step out of my comfort zone by letting go of relying on other people to follow. I never found adventure in following someone else's footsteps. I found adventure in doing my own thing. In taking control of what I want for me. I believe in myself enough to know that even if I am uncomfortable in a situation or a certain place, its not permanent & I do not have to do it or go there again. I am a dreamer, someone who believes anything I want to do in this life can be done as long as I believe in myself. 

I have been created by my surroundings. The thing's I've done, seen, been & the places I will go, all have a place in creating the person I am today & who I will become in the future. I am the new rings around the center of a ripple effect that continues to grow. I cannot stay in a constant state of stillness. I am constantly moving & learning so I may share what I have done & learned with others so in turn, they too can pass along something new to someone else. Its a continual drive inside of me to help myself become better so I may help others as well. 

One will never know how much they can become or do until they have stepped out of thier comfort zone & done something they never thought possible. To have the ability to see opportunity is to know when you are in the right place at the time you are there and just do it. No one ever learns standing still. When we were babies we didn't give up on learning to crawl, walk & talk. We didn't stop when we fell...we kept trying. It was an adventure & sometimes it was painful but we made sure we got there. Giving up was not in our nature when we were first learning. So what has stopped so many people from doing so? Negativity, loss of belief, friends, family.....our SURROUNDINGS. It has stopped us dead in our tracks from trying anything & personally, its annoying. 

Kick it to the curb. This life is short. We do not know what tomorrow holds for us & we need to try new things while we are here. What you deem impossible today, try tomorrow. Make a new chapter in your life that requires you to change your surroundings. Not until you discover new things can you truly feel exhilirated & know that leaping out of the boundaries you've set around yourself actually sets you free. I will do more for myself today if I take one step out of my comfort zone & do something brand new. Ignore "You Can't". Drown out "Impossible". Start to absorb "I Can" and "Possible." Do it for you, do it for adventure, do it because you can and do it because you believe.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Working With The Best

I have been on a very long journey to achieve my goals of becoming the fittest & healthiest I can ever be. After recovering from back surgery & ratifying to my doctor who told me "I'll never do anything actively fun again" to basically take those words & shove em, I have accomplished many many things people don't think are possible after a serious surgery simply because a "doctor" tells them its not possible. WRONG!! For starters, I began with a workout program called Turbo Jam, moved to ChaLEAN Extreme, Rev Abs, Accomplished the toughest workout ever to be put on DvD called INSANITY & now, P90X and ChaLEAN Extreme are a part of my weekly routines along with LISS, Yoga, Stretch & HIIT. These workouts played  and currently play a role in my new lifestyle to get me to reach my goal. I did it, but I didn't stop there because I believe you should always do something to make yourself better. That entails making new goals. Becoming healthy isn't just a 90 day plan. Its a lifetime change and its a decision you make for yourself and no one else.

After INSAINTY, I missed my weight training dearly. A lot of women are extremely scared of lifting weights, but I'm not & I know that its exactly what anyone's body needs to develop beautiful muscles. That and the proper meal/exercise & supplement program to follow. After a few weeks of discussion with my friend Carter Irvin, I was introduced to Stephaney Theobald, who owns a nutrition store with her husband Jason Theobald, called Natty Nutrition. Together, these 2 individuals have helped tons of people reach not only health & fitness goals, but also gain knowledge of how your body responds to the proper foods, hydration & proper supplementation to get you to your goals. These 2 have accomplished mile stones together from Bodybuilding to creating a clientel who supports their unselfish knowledge & advice they pour out daily.

Morning LISS (Light Intensity Steady State) Training has become a favorite of mine. Helping to maintain the lean muscle mass I am working so hard to deveolop and keep, the 30 minutes in the morning of LISS has escalated my workout regimine to a whole new level of fitness. I love being able to wake up in the morning & do something not strenuous, but productive enough to get my day off & running in a positive way. Slowing down when it comes to working out works for you, not against you. Those of you who think you need to obliterate yourselves with crazy workouts like I did with INSAINTY can actually stop that, get your body back to 100% without all the pain & have gains in your body instead of losses. Its important to know the science of the body before getting involved in something you "think" will help you with your goals. Research is important & I highly recommend digging deeper into what it is you want for your body & do the RIGHT routine to get there. Slow & Steady wins the race. As the popular saying goes, "Rome WASN'T built in a day!" Niether was your body so take the time to work it out & fuel it properly with nutrition, hydration & supplements

It has been over 3 months since I bought my program from Stephaney. I have seen amazing results from using the program she has put together for me & I am held accountable through a TEAM effort. Being in 2 completely different cities doesn't stall my ambition to become the fittest I've ever been and it certainly doesn't stop Stephaney from helping me achieve my goals. I cannot elaborate enough what a fabulous woman I am working with. Not only do I still get to workout with my fabulous Beachbody programs at home, but I am never hungry, I'm constantly hydrated, my energy levels are amazing, I am lighter, leaner & absolutely more honed in on what I was missing nutrition wise to burn the extra fat from my body. 
The supplements I am on are awesome & have no side effects except for increasing lean muscle, better recovery & intense workouts. I am forever grateful for Stephaney Theobald, Natty Nutrition & the support I have been given. I will continue to work with Stephaney as long as I possibly can & I assure you, if you want to reach your goals faster with the RIGHT nutrition, exercise & supplements, do not hesitate to get with Stephaney or Jason to aid you on your journey to success. I have turned many individuals to them as well & I have got nothing but Thank You's & exciting messages since they began to work with Stephaney & Jason as well. Your nutritional needs are met 100% & everything that is done is to get you to reach your goals. I couldn't be more greatful for Stephaney & I am excited to have met her. 

Everything takes time & effort. I can't promise you how fast you will get your results because you can't promise me how hard you will work to achieve them. However, if you have a goal and you are ambitious enough to achieve it, you will do it. Small steps lead to completed goals, and bigger & better things to accomplish. Thank You so much Stephaney for helping me with what I call the "Missing Links to Success." I am ever so grateful I was introduced to you & will continue to spread the word about you, Jason & Natty Nutrition!!