Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Works For Me IS NOT What Works For You


It is the most commonly overlooked part when someone decides they want to get in shape, become healthy and change their life. Why is it so common you may wonder? I'll tell you. FAD's! People JUMP at a new diet, workout or supplement believing that "if it works for them, it will work for me!" WRONG! There is not one person in the world who will respond the same way to a workout, supplement or nutrition plan the same way another does. We are all structured differently and our bodies are going to build what we were given to work with when we were born. Embracing this fact is necessary in order for anyone to reach their goals. Its not easy, there will be plateaus and you will beat yourself into the ground when what someone else did, doesn't work for you. That is the point where people give up completely.

Everyone has a body type. Some are Ectomorph, some Endomorph, some Mesomorph and some are a mix of 2. A majority of people not familiar with the fitness industry wouldn't know what I'm talking about. Your body type has everything to do with how you will respond to getting into shape. From nutrition to workouts, rest, recovery, hydration, supplements, & max heart rate, calorie expenditure, endurance, personal goals & more, we all respond differently. If you were to research and ask questions you would find out there is a way to get your personal body type. If you never ask, chances are, you'll never find out. There is a test I give my clients that they take and the results after the short quiz is their body type. Its made to help you understand how your body will respond to foods, workouts, pace of the workout, etc. I'm posting it here for everyone, because if you're reading this blog, you are curious about what I have to say and at this point, more than likely want to know what your body type is:


The general approach to becoming healthy is to start eating right and working out. Common sense. But there are so many people who hit the gym everyday and eat right but see NO results what so ever. The problem lies in the lack of knowledge from not researching how many calories & macronutrients you personally need a day. How much water you consume plays a huge role as well. We all know water is for hydration as we are made up mostly of water, but it also keeps us healthy from the inside out and allows us to burn more fat! Water is imperative to our daily functions. In fact, its so imperative that we can survive without food, but we cannot survive without water! Aside from oxygen, water is the most readily available resource we have. From mountains & streams, rivers & lakes to the ocean, we are surrounded by water. 

The human body is amazing. The unlimited things it is capable of doing & becoming is up to us. We can daily tell ourselves that certain things aren't possible & we can't do this, that or the other. Truth behind it is, WE CAN! We see people doing these things everyday that put us in awe and shock us. So why can't that be you? Your body is to be treated with care. Researching why can open doors you never knew existed. All it takes is training. Training is a learning process and it will take time, but if you dig deep, RESEARCH everything you need to get to where you want to be and stop limiting yourself, you'll be amazed at what you can do, amazed at the progress you make and STOP following all these diet frenzy fads that have let you down more than once. Its a slow process and its one step at a time. Nothing happens overnight when you decide to change your body. What you do or don't do each day will decipher whether or not you are moving in a forward or backwards direction. 


Supplements are by far, in my opinion, one of the worst fads around. From fat burners, muscle gainers, protein powders & more, people believe that if they just start taking that pill or swallowing 10 protein shakes a day, their body will change. News flash:


You have to take action in more than one area in order to start seeing results. I've been to the point of believing if I just started using certain supplements and did NOTHING else, I would see amazing results. That was when I never had the phrase "RESEARCH WHAT YOU'RE DOING" cross my mind. I never thought it through. I believed that box or that commercial and I invested my money into a fad that does not work! I didn't think about lifting weights because once again, I believed that I would become a bulky bodybuilding looking girl and it scared me. I immersed myself in chronic cardio believing I was burning tons of fat while doing it. I was so wrong. The day I decided to research what it is I needed to do was the day I FINALLY asked questions, researched and was guided into what I am now. It took YEARS! My body did not happen over night and I STILL go through many changes during the seasons. This is NEVER ENDING! Its not a 30 or 90 day workout, eat right, take these pills, swallow this drink, FIX IT FOREVER solution. Everything combined together is what WILL work. Being patient and not sticking to just one routine, stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things like functional training using battle ropes, kettlebells, aqua bags, interval & Tabata training, low intensity cardio, etc. Its all a WHOLE and not one aspect of what you do will work against you if you never stop learning! 
 Research everything and you will become more than you imagined, mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually.