Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bigger Mentally, Faster Physically & Stronger As A Whole

Health and fitness scare a majority of the world. Why? Because its something you actually have to put work into in order to get the results you want. Its a job, but its a job that pays off for you in a positive way many times over. Its a gift to be able to realize the importance of taking care of yourself & treating your body the way you want it to treat you back. Developing yourself mentally and physically to become healthy and reach your OWN fitness level means you will take many different roads. They will twist, turn, stop, rewind and steer you off course. Your goal is to find your path and stay on it. Becoming better at anything requires you to sometimes take many steps back or completely stop and really look at what you're doing and where you're going if you continue the path you're on. Its YOUR decisions that determine where you will go & who you will become. Your attitude, the people you associate with and your own mental set all play a role in who you are. 

Everyone starts somewhere. We have to. No one is born with everything they need to know or all the equipment necessary to become healthy and fit. If it were that easy you wouldn't see me sitting behind a computer everyday. I would be traveling the world, meeting new people & spending as much time as I can with the people I love. It doesn't work that way however and we DO have to work for what we want to become. Its starts inside. What you put into your body helps develop what your outer physical physique will look like. The muscles that encompass our bodies are the true shape we are meant to have. All the extra fat around our waist lines, butts, legs, arms, back & everywhere imaginable have been added on by our eating habits and our CHOICE to be lazy. A majority of America alone is obese & its become accepted by far too many people. The sad thing is, our children have picked up on this comfortable habit and are now becoming obese at an age exceedingly too young these days. I remember a conversation with my Grandma who told me she wouldn't change the era she was raised in for the life of her because she was so active it helped get her to 90 years of age being capable of many things all the way up to her last breath. Sedentary is the problem. When I was growing up I was always told "Go play outside." I had NO problem with that what so ever. My best friend and I ALWAYS had something to do. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't the skinniest of kids, but I wasn't caring about what I was eating at the time because it wasn't an issue to me & I had no clue what being overweight could do to someone no matter what age they are. I ate more than I needed when it was time to eat & had to learn that I didn't NEED so much food. But my mom & dad DID CARE & made sure I was eating home made breakfast, lunches & dinners, and helped teach me I don't need so much to eat. Take out wasn't ever on the menu because when you have a mom who knows what to do in the kitchen & enjoys making her family home made meals, thats the food you get. Its a blessing & I'm grateful.

One of the biggest problems I come across is people are constantly comparing themselves to other people. Whether its their looks or knowledge, there is too much focus on comparison as opposed to what YOU are capable of. Stop wishing you could be like other people. You have your own level of fitness & mental strength and it could very well be stronger than that of the person you "idolize" & wish to be like. You underestimate your ability to do what you consider impossible by dwelling on what someone else has done or looks like. Set your own goals, keep the end in mind & remember to keep it fresh daily. The end is what you are aiming for so once you reach it you can set a new goal. The end doesn't mean its over. Done. Stops completely & have nothing else to achieve. The end means you've accomplished one thing & its time to move onto something else. There is an unlimited number of opportunities & windows open for you to reach your goals. Paradise awaits us in many different forms. Its not just a distant island. Paradise can be created with your body and mind. Don't be afraid to create it. 

I want to help many people as long as I'm living. My paradise doesn't just include me. My paradise includes helping as many people as I can, using my passion for what I do to drive me physically and mentally, become better at things I currently struggle with and pass my knowledge from personal experience onto other people who need and want it. I am the type of girl who has been told over and over "YOU CAN'T DO IT!" I laugh in the face of ignorance because I AM doing it. Don't let anyone tell you what you are capable of doing. Usually the ones telling you these things are the ones who are too afraid to try anything at all. Be above the negativity, find your own path & STICK WITH IT. When you experience things for yourself and make it a point to learn and work your body, you become BIGGER MENTALLY, FASTER PHYSICALLY and STRONGER AS A WHOLE. Once you realize you are capable of more than you thought, you become role models for people who are in your previous set of shoes. You CAN do this! Believe in yourself & know you deserve the best from your body physically and mentally.