Monday, April 8, 2013

The Body Loves Muscle

Picture big enough? Good. It should be. That's the point of hard work. That you can see it. Anyone who has to work hard to keep fat off their body deserves blown up photos of themselves. Why? Because it's a constant reminder of how bad you wanted it and how hard you worked your ass off to get it. 

One of the most annoying phrases to me? "The body LOVES muscle." I'm sorry; it does? Interesting. Now I'm not sugar coating any of this so if you're sensitive to foul language, close this out now. If the body loves muscle so much, why does it store fat over muscle when we eat whatever we want? Why does the body eat the muscle when one is in starvation mode or eat muscle in marathon runners or chronic cardio idiots for fuel during a session because they don't have guidance to fuel properly? Is 'idiot' too brutal? Oh well. I can speak on that. I've been there. I've been the chronic cardio idiot. Don't get me wrong, if there is a goal for endurance, heart health or you're training for something that requires long drawn out cardio sessions, by all means; proceed. But when it comes to fat loss; Hell No!! 

If the body loved muscle so much, I highly doubt there would be an obesity epidemic. I'm pretty sure there would be a muscle bulking epidemic and because the human eye LOVES the look of a toned body, it would be encouraged. If bullshit fast food increased muscle mass without working out or counting macros and calories, you can bet gyms would never exist. There is a genius for whoever coined the name 'Fast Food'. Remove the 'S' and you have 'Fat Food'. 

There are many people out there who were born "lucky" or "blessed" you could say. And instead of calling them mean names because of their great physique, one can simply use the more common name; ectomorph or "hard gainer" as more universally known. These people cannot gain a damn thing and seem to get away with anything they want in as much quantities as they want. That sure as shit doesn't mean they're healthy inside. Do you ever wonder how they smell when they sweat? Do you know how many toxins are pouring out of their pores because of what they consume? Yeah, it's disgusting. Now not ALL of them do this. There are a lot of ectomorphic people who care about their health and take care of it by eating healthy, so don't get all Dr. Phil on me and start reprimanding me if you're a healthy hard gainer. Kudos!

Here is my point. I have worked very hard to lose fat, and still do. I have also worked very hard to gain muscle in my body, and still do. I can't stop. Why? I'm a "blessed" mesomorph. I was never a skinny or lean child. I wasn't born with those lean blessings. A mesomorph means I lose and gain weight easily so I have to pay attention to what I eat, how much of it I eat and make sure my macros are split they way they need to be for my body to shed fat. The body doesn't LOVE muscle. The body NEEDS muscle. There's a difference. We need it because it's the protective tissue for the skeletal structure, organs and joints. We need it because we need strength to be able to function and move on a daily basis. The body LOVES fat because body fat is essential for the healthy functioning of our body. Fat is important to the body because it transports fat-soluable vitamins A, D, E, and K which are imperative to our health. Fat is also a great shock absorber. Many athletes don't want extremely low percentages of fat levels because the fat helps protect their body during competition, but there are those who go to extremes to keep it low for whatever their goal is or have to for a career that requires it. Fat also serves as "human insulation" and helps regulate body temperature. It's what's stored when you don't pay attention to excessive amounts of what you're eating and drinking. It's what is stored after the body eats your muscle in starvation mode, a chronic cardio routine or even during sleep. 

You should get the picture by now. So the next time someone tells you "the body LOVES muscle" call bullshit. They have no idea what they're talking about. 

Ashley McTucker AFPA Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritional Consultant