Monday, October 25, 2010

Temporary Fix

"I get it from my parents. Its in our genes so I'm stuck with it." Absolutely one of the most excuses used when it comes to people and what they look like. You've heard the saying "She got it from her momma!" In all cases, of course she did. Because genes are passed down to offspring from parents. However, when it comes to changing your body, people are always looking for an excuse to NOT do it because there's hard work involved or because its just easier not to have to deal with it. You aren't STUCK with what you've got. You can control what your physical appearance looks like. Being miserable throughout life because of poor choices made by what we consume or what we do to temporarily "fix" a problem with our bodies, whether its inside or out, is not worth the value of any dollar amount.

From botox, to tylenol, to baggy clothes, to white out on a typo, people everywhere are looking at the WRONG solutions to SOLVE the issue at hand. Sorry, but......ITS STILL THERE! Its like candy coating on M&M's or too much make up on a woman. These temporary fixes give you a false impression that whatever the problem you have, whether on the inside or out, is fixed.................NOT! These cover ups are a temporary fix, or what I call PURE LAZY. Instead of going to the CORE of the problem and solving it, you are creating an artificial cover up that wastes time and money. Especially when it comes to health and fitness.

I've been there. I've been the one in baggy clothes, too much make up and lots of over the counter drugs to cure what ailed me for "the time being." Worth it? Not at all. I look back at everything I put myself through before I decided to really take control of my life and put in the hard work to get myself in shape physically inside and out. The road I've taken to get myself to where I am today was not easy, it was long and I'm still on it. I plan to stay on this road as long as I live, taking with me as many people as I can so they in turn can change their lives and stop these temporary cover ups! Why sugar or candy coat something when you know its not going to last? Why go out of your way to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on synthetic diet pills, botox, spandex body shapers to thin you out for a day, cheap butt boosters, padded bras and more?? From Pepto Bismol to Botox, its all a COVER UP to avoid actually going to the core of the problem and fixing it. Not one of these things is a permanent solution. If you get botox, you have to keep it up because eventually the wrinkles start to show up again, when you have indigestion you buy crap to drink, that will, for the time being, stop the irritation but you'll eventually have to ingest more when it happens again or invest countless amounts of dollars into weight loss pills thinking all you have to do is swallow them everyday, not workout because it requires too much effort on your behalf, and you'll lose weight. All of these things are crap used to cover up the problem instead of solve it. 

We have one of the laziest nations in the world. We refuse to cook meals at home because its time consuming, therefore we will go out of our way to fill our bodies with junk from a drive thru or make a phone call to a pizza company in town & have garbage delivered right to our doorstep. We spend more and more money each year on doctors because of the poor choices we have made to make life "easier" on ourselves, but in the long run, we're killing us. We are creating a nation where AVERAGE means LAZY. I mean let's get right down to it. There is no cover up here. I'm just addressing what's really going on & what people don't want to acknowledge because its always been easier to blame it on the genes, not enough time or too much work. We have gone out of control letting fast food and the synthetic diet market replace the true value of what it requires to dedicate yourself to become healthy and fit by working out and eating right to solve the problem from the inside. Blaming it on your mom or dad because they passed the genes down to you is downright lazy and another lame excuse to escape having to put any effort in at all to better yourself. 

If you want any benefits of being healthy, becoming physically fit from the INSIDE is where it starts. It begins when you decide to take control of your life and becoming cautious about what you consume on a daily basis. What it is you do to FIX the problem instead of temporarily cover it up. There is no respectable value behind the temporary fix. All it says about someone is they're lazy. Who wants to be known for that? I'm sure it doesn't bother a lot of people, but for those out there complaining that "nothing works" & "I've tried everything," I have a little insight for you: YOU HAVEN'T TRIED HARD ENOUGH AND YOU CERTAINLY HAVEN'T TRIED EVERYTHING. You don't try, YOU DO IT. Let go of the excuses everyone uses. Its not the DNA because there isn't one of us who has the same strand, it isn't because you don't have enough time, its because you haven't created the time. Its all a personal decision to take time out FOR YOU and you alone to become healthier & start to get rid of all these problems you've been covering up for years on end. Its time to remove the candy coated excuses and get right down to old fashioned, ass kicking hard work. No, its not easy, yes it takes dedication, but with the combination of drive, support, willingness to do it and motivation from the right people including yourself, you can achieve anything. You've gotta REALLY want it. I have lost all my weight on my own. I didn't expect someone else to do it for me & I learned for myself I was wasting my time and money on things I would never see TRUE results from. Figure out what works for you and start somewhere. Everyone has the same amount of one thing in a day, time. Its up to YOU to finally realize you're worth it and how to use it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Complete Burnout

Being completely rational about any fitness routine you desire to begin should require one to completely understand why working out for a limited amount of time is imperative. A simple approach would be personal research starting with reading articles, talking with professionals including doctors and personal trainers, or even someone who has been working out for years and has experimented almost everything to do with working out. The issue I'm here to address is what I call "the beginners ignorance of research." Ultimately I can address a number of things that I refer to as that, but this one however is extremely important to those who haven't the slightest clue about what too much cardio can do to the human body.

Chronic Cardio, as Mark Sisson, Author of The Primal Blueprint, calls it, is a former triathlete who for years put wear and tear on his body, to, in his mental set, "become better." He was used to running & training for hours on end daily, but when it was over, he was tired & had created within himself a "catabolic burn out." There was no energy left to give for anything else and as he says "When I looked like a picture of health, I was really one of overstress and inflammation. I was the fittest guy my friends knew, yet I suffered from recurring bouts of fatigue, osteoarthritis in both my feet, severe tendinitis in my hip joints, stress-related gastrointestinal maladies, and six or more upper respiratory tract infections each year."

A catabolic burn out is simply this, when you workout for an extended or long period of time, your body starts to use up its preferred sources of energy which are glycogen and glucose, 2 things necessary to ensure you a great workout with enough energy to walk afterwards. When you "burn out" it starts breaking down the muscle tissue in order to burn the PROTEIN found in the muscle and not the FAT you want to burn in your body.The same thing happens when you let your body go into starvation mode by not feeding it every 3 hours. The stress hormone CORTISOL is released and causes your body to believe you are starving so it begins to eat your muscles. 

Consider this, when we eat meat, we aren't eating fat, we're consuming muscle because that meat contains the protein our bodies desire to be properly nourished. Hence the infamous "Protein Shakes" people drink. Chronic Cardio or Over Exertion is the cause of the overlooked catabolic breakdown. In believing you need to run for miles upon miles everyday or complete a crazy workout like INSANITY then move onto something else after that, you are burning yourself out and you ARE WORKING AGAINST YOUR BODY.       

 If you fall into this category of people, you are most likely seeing NO RESULTS after about 6 weeks, hurting inside but refuse to address it or have it checked out, hungrier and consume more carbohydrates as they are the energy source for one's body to be productive throughout the day, losing strength so putting you in charge of a dumbbell or weight machine is out of the question. Chronic cardio causes increased production of cortisol. You are significantly stressing your body out inside if this is the training you are immersed in. Your CNS (Central Nervous System) is in retardation mode and not functioning at the capacity is was created to do. From fatigue, immune suppression (i.e. creates inability to fight off sickness) loss of bone density (which is critical to have if you're a fan of keeping your bones intact) and fat metabolism changes. Everything is working against you & there will be no further changes for the betterment of your body if you continue to stay where you are. You have more of a chance becoming sick or breaking bones than those of us who make sure all areas of fitness are incorporated in our daily routines. A 20 minute High Intensity Interval Training (better known as HIIT Training) can be done in place of chronic cardio & burn 9 times MORE fat throughout your day than your normal routine of cardio routine after cardio routine after cardio routine. 

You need a delicate balance in your routine. Combining every area of fitness is what will enable you to reach your goals. You will create a stronger body by avoiding over exertion with too much cardio. Your insides are not visible to you, but just because you can't see whats going on, doesn't mean something couldn't be wrong. You may not feel it now, you may never feel it or you could feel it but be trying to avoid it because of your mentality & disregard for slowing down, but you have to take into consideration that its proven science, not a myth, and slowing down should be mandatory starting now. Your egotistical mentality needs to be swept under the carpet, stop thinking about what everyone else will think about you. Just because you slow down doesn't make you any less of a person, it means you have taken the time to actually CARE about whats going on with your body and you've made the decision to do what you now KNOW is right for it. I hope this message reaches you beyond your mental set, I hope you pass this along to anyone and everyone you know and I know you will begin to feel better inside and out knowing you don't have to obliterate yourself during a workout session.